Sunday, May 2, 2010

Happy Reunions

It's been official for about a week or so now, but I haven't had any time to do anything with it. I've rejoined Haiku. My life is a lot different from when I left, and people were glad to have me back. It's kind of strange how there's often a disconnect between people who don't live far apart, but never get to see each other for whatever reason. This is very much like that. No matter.

My first act was to patch a crash when clicking on the leaf menu when the Deskbar was stretched across the width of the screen -- "Start Menu" mode. Axel made a bigger patch based on it, so I'm happy. Now I'm going to see if I can get the system colors that are tweakable via Appearance to actually make color changes across the system. It's actually the fault of the controls in the Interface Kit, not Appearance, so we'll see what happens on that one. Should be interesting. :)

It's good to be back.

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