Thursday, July 22, 2010

Learning to Program With Haiku Now Available in Book Format

The book is finally done! Getting through the proof copy took *so* much longer than I ever expected. Luckily, right now I'm out of town with a lot more time on my hands, so I had a lot more time to be able to sit down and get through it. It has been published through so that a great deal more of the profit from the book goes to me instead of the pockets of a book retailer. Here is the link to the book and e-book.

Learning to Program with Haiku at

The regular price is $25 USD, but as part of the launch of the book, it is on sale for 15% off the regular price through August 15 when you use the coupon code BEACHREAD305 at Lulu. It will also be available through online book retailers like, Barnes and Noble, and others, but it will be a couple of months before it appears on those sites.

If you've been a fan of the lessons and want to show appreciation or to have a copy of it on your desk while you work your way through, now you have a chance to have a high quality copy, and if you've been sitting on the fence about it, read a lesson or two and then decide for yourself. Enjoy!

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